Okay, so I thought I didn't like the rain, but snow? I *do not* drive in this stuff which means if Douglas is not around, I do not go anywhere! I know, I know, I'm from Connecticut so I should be used to this stuff, right? Wrong. People in Tulsa are some of the worst drivers I have ever seen in this stuff. I'm so nervous about it I'm better off just staying off the roads until they are clear.
I will admit, the snow is so pretty.
Priscilla Hauser, the decorative painter, had her open house yesterday.

I didn't know if the open house would get cancelled due to the weather but it wasn't. Doug drove me there and dropped me off while he went to a record store he likes near by. (Do they still call them that: ?record store?) I got to chat with Priscilla and her sister Ann. Two great ladies. I had such fun looking at all the artwork in the studio, watching them interact as they were doing a painting. Only a few people were brave enough to get out on the roads in the snow so there will be another open house scheduled in the near future.
Anyway, as I think I have mentioned in my previous post, I used to watch
Priscilla Hauser on The Carol Duvall Show on
HGTV. I used to dream I could paint like her and always wished I could take painting classes with her. Well, looks like my dream is going to come true! She offers all kinds of classes in her Tulsa studio and I have signed up for one. She was also kind enough to give me one of her books. Thank you Priscilla!
After the open house, Doug took me to
Red Robin for a burger. I wasn't impressed. Honestly, for a ten dollar burger I guess I expected a lot more. Even the steak fries weren't all that great.
Chili's has a much better burger that is less expensive and much more delicious. Guess we won't be heading back to Red Robin anytime soon.
Last night, Doug watched the basketball game while I went up to my craft room. I intended to straighten up but ended up scrapping a page instead. I'll probably post that later once I take a picture of it.
I've got lots of things I want to get done today so I'd better get off this computer and get moving.