I love starting my season out with hot chocolate with Bailey's Irish Creme and a little whip cream. Warms me up and puts me in the Christmas spirit. ;)

Tuesday night I went to a Christmas party at Southern Hills Country Club for The Oklahoma Trust Company. The Club's decorations were incredible although I don't have any pictures.
I took my "little sis" out for a movie on Wednesday night. She wanted to see Twilight which I was a little apprehensive about but her mom said it was okay so we went. I haven't read any of the Twilight books but my sis has read them all. By the end of the movie I was actually in to it and was disappointed to be left hanging with that storyline. I probably won't go back and read the books and it remains to be seen if I go see the sequel when it comes out, but now we can say we've seen it.
This year for Christmas I am sponsoring a little 4 year old girl that lives on an Indian Reservation in South Dakota. If you watched the
20/20 special earlier this year you remember seeing that this is the poorest place in America with devastatingly high incidences of alcoholism, unemployment and even suicide. I had heard about these people from a friend of mine, KC Willis, who I met this year when I took her class at the
Paper Crown in OKC. KC actually visited the people of the reservation and brought them a truckload of much needed supplies such as diapers, formula, blankets, clothing and food. Check out her
blog and
friend her on facebook if you feel like you would like to help.
Anyway, I've been collecting some toys and other fun things for this sweet little girl who KC told me loves animals, and this week I came across this precious little pink sparkly purse with a monkey inside. I hope she likes it! I like it and I think my four year old self would have loved to have one of these.

I packed up a big box of goodies and got them in the mail yesterday. I hope it makes her Christmas a little brighter, I know it did for me.
I attend a doll club here in Tulsa called
the Dolling Dames. The club sponsors two artists a year to teach classes in Tulsa and is just a fun way to get together with other like minded people for sharing and accountability in creativity. I've only been a member since this fall but so far, I love it!
Yesterday, the
Dolling Dames had our Christmas Party at Jean's house. Jean's house is a museum of creativity with her awesome studio and dolls and other handmade things everywhere you looked. I still don't think I saw everything! Anyway, for our party, we had a gift swap which had to be doll related. Each person brought a gift in an unmarked bag. The gifts had to be doll related and they could be a doll or any supply related to doll making such as fabric, trim, beads, etc. Each person picked a number and got to chose from a gift under the tree. I purchased a set of Micron markers since cloth doll makers use these markers on the face and for other detail. Plus, I thought markers are one of those things that are great to have but when I have money to spend on supplies, I don't like to have to spend it on things like that. Here is how I packaged them.

The gift I received was this sweet doll with a purple boa from Sherry Parks.

If you have any interest in cloth dolls, you should really check out the Dolling Dames website. There are some incredibly talented ladies in this bunch.
This sweet bottle snowman made by Shauna Henry was the door prize at our Doll Club meeting yesterday and I won!

Last night we went to an "ugly Christmas sweater" party. Can you believe that I had the hardest time finding an ugly sweater? I went to Goodwill and Salvation Army and they were all sold out! Doug ended up buying one at Walmart (I absolutely refused to pay retail for an ugly sweater and $5.00 was my maximum budget). The party was already in full swing by about 8pm and I'm imagining that there are a few people who don't feel so good today. As the designated driver, I behaved myself and am so happy that I'll get to enjoy my day and my investment club Christmas Party tonight.