The lighting up in my craft room isn't the best so please keep that in mind when viewing these pictures. As promised, here is a picture of the cute folding travel tray I made during craft night:

Remember when I talked about the Dorothy Tag Swap that I participated in over at
Karla's Cottage? This was my *first* swap ever and I am so happy that I joined in. The creativity of all the tags are so inspiring. It took me a while to figure out how I wanted my tag and I was happy with what I came up with:

Karla made these adorable tag book covers with an image she painted and the cutest little lollipop charm. Can you see the little tag with Toto on it? That slides in and out of the basket - isn't that awesome?!?

This tag was created by Ruth Flowers. I don't know if she has a blog or not. Isn't it cute - I'm not sure if you can tell from the picture but the balloon is raised off the tag and Toto has a shiny coat. Precious!

Jeanie Croope at
The Marmelade Gypsy made this one. The contrasting scary texture, color, and picture of the scared lion with the word "Courage" at the top is very cool.

creator of this tag made it out of canvas and cut into a house shape with pictures of the characters from the Wizard of Oz. How creative is that!
Charlott Smothers added a beautiful embroidered flower embellishment to her tag. Don't you just love it?
Stephanie Oyler's background has the music to "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and a the picture of Dorothy and Toto Sleeping while being escorted by the scarecrow and tin man. How fun!

The final tag in my book is by
Cindy Hamlin and it is made from fabric with yellow beads sewn on for dimension. Just incredible!

I just can't even believe the creativity of these women and their tags. I keep looking at them over and over and discovering things I hadn't seen the first time I looked at them.
Check back as I'll be posting the tags from the Halloween Swap I participated in.