Tonight was our second Osteoporosis support group. Lisa Bates, the Clinical Director of Diagnostica Osteoporosis Center came and talked about Dexa Scans - what they are and what the numbers mean. She is an excellent speaker and although I already knew about Dexa scans and the numbers, I did learn some new things and reinforced my learning about treatment options for osteoporosis.
One thing about seeing so many patients with osteoporosis, and lots of patients not nearly as old as you might think: it's making me start treating my bones with more respect. I'm taking my daily calcium along with extra Vitamin D3 and concentrating more on strength training.
Things have been incredibly busy around here with work, stuff to do around the house and just life in general. I'm so excited because I'm going to be having guests! I get so wrapped up with work and things going on around here so it's going to be nice to have some diversion.
My sister January is coming for a week long visit in September although I probably won't see much of her while she is here. Her friend Dana is coming with her and Dana is going to be staying at her uncle Bruce's house while January stays here with me. January is going to meet up with a friend of hers and probably just take in the sights. I'm curious to see how much she thinks Tulsa has changed since she lived here in 2002. Wait until she sees the new casino! And the Riverwalk!
Then, in October, my best friend Wendy is coming for a visit. Can hardly wait! I'm already making plans for what we are going to do while she is here - eat sushi at In The Raw, check out the Oklahoma Aquarium, walk on the new and improved river trails...Catch up on things and just enjoy each other's company.
In late September, Doug is going to be participating in the MS150 bike ride between Tulsa and Oklahoma City. He is training for it now. Should be alot of fun. I'm going to be the "support" part of the Stryker Byker team: cheering him and his team on and waiting at the half way point and the finish line with lots of big, cold, frosty beer!!
At some point, we really need to take a vacation. I'd love to go someplace warm with crystal clear water. I'm giving it some serious thought. Any suggestions?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Our friend Frank invited us to to the Tulsa Performing Arts Center today to see Wicked! It was awesome and we thoroughly enjoyed it! I've heard lots of people talking about seeing it but I really wasn't sure what all the hoopla was about. Now I know - the show was absolutely fabulous! I'm so happy that we got to see it. Thank you Frank for inviting us.
It has been such a long time since I have seen a show and I've never even been to the Tulsa Performing Arts Center. What a nice resource for Tulsa. It's amazing how you can live somewhere with all kinds of great things to do and never take advantage of all your town has to offer.
My sister January is coming for a visit in September and my friend Wendy is coming in October. I'm going to look up all the "touristy" things to do around town and take each of them to see the sights of Tulsa. January actually lived here for a short while quite a few years ago. It will be interesting to see how much she thinks it has changed. I can't believe how much it has changed.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Change is in the air...
And instead of being scared and resisting it, I'm doing my best to embrace it. Lots of thoughts swirling around in my head these days. I feel some kind of change getting ready to happen. For now, I keep focusing on this quote:
"Breathe. Let go and remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure."
I'm trying to just go with the flow and chill out. What I think I really need is a vacation. Doug and I just need to get away, have some fun and relax. The stress of too much work and not enough down time is starting to wear us thin. Today I started researching a few vacation spots - just have to narrow down a time and place.
The last few days I've been cleaning out my closet and purging all sorts of things. Trying to do that in all areas of our home. Sending things out into the world where they will have new owners who need them much more than I do. I've had too much stuff for way too long and it is time to let it go. The "stuff" is weighing me down. What I need is space and positive energy - trying to surround myself with it and send it out into the universe.
I'll keep you posted....
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Grand Lake for the 4th of July!

We had a wonderful 4th up at the lake with Doug's family. Before we left our house it started to POUR and continued to do so just until we got off the Vinita exit. We ran into Walmart to get a watermelon and when we came out the sun was trying so very hard to peek through the clouds.
When we got to David's lake house it was still sort of drizzling but after about an hour or so the sun came out and we decided to jump in the boat and head out. We had so much fun!
Katie and Jennifer enjoying a cold one:

Lots of people and boats at Dripping Springs:

Douglas and me:

Me and Dee:

Getting a smooch!

Dee and Katie:

David had a little "accident" with a butter knife while trying to pry apart some burgers. He cut his middle finger really deep so he had to keep it dry and elevated. We got this picture:

Today we were at home trying to get a few things accomplished. Doug mowed and edged the yard while I worked inside the house. Here is what I got accomplished:
1. Niles: Bath
2. Nestle: Bath
3. Bedroom cleaned and vacuumed
4. Our Bathroom cleaned
5. Several (about 6) loads of laundry
6. Cleaned the dining room
7. Cleaned the kitchen
8. Cleaned the nest (where the dogs sleep)
9. Put up the shower curtain in the guest bathroom
10. Cleaned the credenza in my office
11. Doug and I hung a picture over the fireplace, and three pictures in the dining room.
Whew! Productive day! I don't really want to work tomorrow since I'm on a roll with projects around the house. I'd really like to clear a spot in the garage so I can park my car inside. Plus, I'm embarrassed for people too see how terrible it looks out there. We'll see how it goes...
Have a good week!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Spoiled on my birthday!
My birthday was a very good day. Douglas took me here:

For my dinner, I ordered the caprese salad as an appetizer and the scallops for the main course. It was absolutely delicious! Of course, I forgot to get pictures of the entree, but I did get a picture of my dessert, apple crumb ala mode:

Here we are in a self portrait sneaking a kiss!

Here I am ~ another year older!

Douglas bought me lots of cool presents. I got a pair of MBT sneakers which I have been wanting for a very long time, a Shu Umera (?sp?) eyelash curler, some new clothes, and a great lens for my camera. The pictures above were taken with my little old point and shoot but I can't wait to try my camera with my new lens!
In other news, it has already been a busy week. Last night we went to dinner at D'alesandro's on business. I ordered a caprese salad (!surprise!) and the carbonara. Delicious! But as usual, there is enough carbonara left over to last a week.
I had a business luncheon today and met with another local attorney to discuss a potential case that we might share. Can't talk about specifics here. You know, client confidentiality and all.
On a sad note, over the weekend, a good friend of mine was in a bad motorcycle wreck in Connecticut. He broke his arm, some ribs, punctured his lung and broke his clavicle and shoulder. The shoulder injury is very, very bad. He had a six hour surgery at Yale New Haven Hospital to try to repair the damage. The doctors are not sure how things are going to work out post surgery. If you are so inclined, please pray for Scott. It makes me so sad to think about what he is going through right now.
On a lighter note, we are supposed to head up to Grand Lake on Saturday to see Doug's family. Should be lots of fun out on the boat but we will need to be careful too as I'm sure with the 100 degree temperatures the weather man is predicting in combination with lots of potentially drunk people in speeding boats - we just need to be careful.
Last time we were at the lake, riding the Seadoo ever so peacefully until I got the thing going about 50 miles per hour and dumped Doug right off the back! How I didn't fall off too, I'll never know.

I'll let you know how it goes!

For my dinner, I ordered the caprese salad as an appetizer and the scallops for the main course. It was absolutely delicious! Of course, I forgot to get pictures of the entree, but I did get a picture of my dessert, apple crumb ala mode:

Here we are in a self portrait sneaking a kiss!

Here I am ~ another year older!

Douglas bought me lots of cool presents. I got a pair of MBT sneakers which I have been wanting for a very long time, a Shu Umera (?sp?) eyelash curler, some new clothes, and a great lens for my camera. The pictures above were taken with my little old point and shoot but I can't wait to try my camera with my new lens!
In other news, it has already been a busy week. Last night we went to dinner at D'alesandro's on business. I ordered a caprese salad (!surprise!) and the carbonara. Delicious! But as usual, there is enough carbonara left over to last a week.
I had a business luncheon today and met with another local attorney to discuss a potential case that we might share. Can't talk about specifics here. You know, client confidentiality and all.
On a sad note, over the weekend, a good friend of mine was in a bad motorcycle wreck in Connecticut. He broke his arm, some ribs, punctured his lung and broke his clavicle and shoulder. The shoulder injury is very, very bad. He had a six hour surgery at Yale New Haven Hospital to try to repair the damage. The doctors are not sure how things are going to work out post surgery. If you are so inclined, please pray for Scott. It makes me so sad to think about what he is going through right now.
On a lighter note, we are supposed to head up to Grand Lake on Saturday to see Doug's family. Should be lots of fun out on the boat but we will need to be careful too as I'm sure with the 100 degree temperatures the weather man is predicting in combination with lots of potentially drunk people in speeding boats - we just need to be careful.
Last time we were at the lake, riding the Seadoo ever so peacefully until I got the thing going about 50 miles per hour and dumped Doug right off the back! How I didn't fall off too, I'll never know.
I'll let you know how it goes!
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