I still haven't finished my Silver Bella projects - I went upstairs to work on one of them last night and I just couldn't get my act together so I worked on cleaning up a little bit of the mess I've got going on. No crafting today - just too busy~
I'm in the middle of decorating the Christmas Tree - usually it is up and done in an evening or so. Hopefully tomorrow I can get it finished.

I did manage to take 5 huge boxes and 2 bags of Christmas decorations to the Animal Aid store for a donation. That felt really good.
I also took Niles to the Vet for a recheck today and he got his staples and stitches removed and had his pain patch changed to an oral pain medication. We still need to keep him separated from the other dogs until Friday or so but he is coming along so I am pleased about that.

Doug and I had lunch at the Polo Grill - it was fabulous even if the atmosphere is kind of pretentious. I prefer to live so much more down to earth - life is so much more fun that way!
Tonight I went to an Open House/ Pot Luck Dinner Party with my friend Kathy and enjoyed good food and pleasant company.
My only real annoyance of the day was at the Post Office - but I'll spare you the details as I'm sure you can just imagine...
I had wanted to keep December's calendar fairly empty so I can just enjoy the season but somehow I'm managing to fill it up very quickly!
Plans so far:
3 Monday nights: Knitting class at Loops
Christmas Dinner theater with my friend Kathy
A paper clay doll sculpting class at The Paper Crown
A Christmas Ornament Exchange Party
My investment club Christmas Party
Looks like the month is shaping up to be a fun one and I'm happy for mostly informal stuff to do and no "stuffy" parties to attend.
I found out that I was the winner of Elizabeth's Christmas Banner! I just love her blog and was jumping up and down to find out that I won! I will post pictures of it as soon as it arrives. If you just can't wait to see it, pop over to her site and see all the beautiful things she makes. I promise you won't be disappointed.
Okay, enough rambling for tonight. I'm over tired and it's time for bed. Good Night!