This is a LONG post, so feel free to just skip through and enjoy the pictures if you want ;)
So wow, where the heck have I been? Let's see. We got back from Maui and life has been a crazy whirlwind since. Here are a couple of wedding pics from Frank Baranik of
Maui Professional Photography (must give credit where credit is due!)Thank you Frank! We LOVE our pictures!

I got one day of "rest" so to speak, if you can call doing laundry, taking one of the dogs to the vet and just trying to get ready for the next week, rest...Yes, I picked up the dogs from the Kennel on Sunday night and on Monday I was on my way to the vet with Nestle. Not only did he have an eye ulcer but he lost quite a bit of weight while we were gone. He went from 6.1 pounds to 5.5 pounds which is pretty significant in one week's time.
So, I've been putting drops and ointment in his eye since we've been back and he is STILL not healed. But, we are working on that and I am rapidly sinking into debt as we continue to try and change medications and go for follow up after follow up. Oh well, he is my baby and I don't want him to lose his eyesight. In a couple of weeks he gets his little shark teeth cleaned. Yeah - I'd better keep working. Anyway ~ I think I've fattened them all back up too.
The following day (Tuesday), I picked Wendy up from the airport. She came to visit for a few days. We did lots of fun things. We went to Oklahoma Aquarium, ate at a bunch of different places around town(Fuddrucker's, McGills, Oliveto, In the Raw, Los Cabos, BBD,) we got pedicures:

(Real Men DO Get Pedicures!), did some shopping, and did some beading:

Wendy made a couple of bracelets and I helped her attach the clasps.
She was originally going to leave that Saturday but we had extra tickets to U2 on Sunday and I convinced her to stay and go to the concert with us! Yay!

We had so much fun!
Doug called and got a limo so this was our luxurious ride to and from Norman:

I was thrilled to not have to be the designated driver!
Me & Wendy ~ I'm thoroughly enjoying my glass of wine ;)

Me and my honey enjoying the concert (it was a little cold!)

We got home around 3am and MAN! it was hard to work on Monday. In fact, it kind of made the rest of the week a little difficult.
Wendy went home on Tuesday and I was sad to see her go. It was fun to have my friend to pal around with.
The rest of the week went on as usual busy with work - I had to go to Norman for three days for the Physician's Assistant Conference and then on Saturday we went to OKC for the third annual Ghouls Gone Wild Parade. We were just spectators the first year for the March of 1000 Flaming Skeletons but we've marched this year and last. Here we are in our scary makeup!

Yep! and me getting a little squeeze from WAYNE. COYNE! (The lead man from the
Flaming Lips - for those of you who don't know) He is so awesome! (Don't worry honey, YOU are my MAIN Squeeze! Mmmmwah!)

Finally on Sunday night we went to an art fundraiser at Holland Hall. Doug and I had planned to just stay in, cook a roast in the crock pot and just chill. Just after we got the roast started, the phone rang and it was Dr. Sherburn. Leigh Ann was the chairperson for the event and had extra tickets and they wanted to know if we would like to go. We picked up Frank and Tonya Tomecek and sat with them at dinner which was catered by the Palace Cafe. Overall, it was a fun evening with some laughs.
Don't ask me where this week has gone because it is Wednesday already and I have no idea how we got here.
I've been feeling the stress creeping up over the past few days so today I went and got a massage at
The Spa with Amber. She is FABULOUS~ and my back and neck feel 100 times better. I've got to remember not to let myself get so stressed and to just go get a nice massage when things start feeling like they are getting to me.
This weekend is Halloween and I'm looking forward to seeing all the little goblins and ghouls spooking up the neighborhood - just hope the dogs don't go too bezerk!