Well, good news for the bird. One of the local veterinary clinics took him in to turn him over to a bird rehabilitator. So, hopefully he will be back to flying real soon and back out enjoying the wild. Hope he learned his lesson and doesn't go flying into any more windows.
This morning, I was looking out my window and I saw a boxer with a leash attached looking like it was scared. Our neighbors have a boxer so I thought it might be theirs. I went out to see if the dog had tags (none) and then went to my neighbor's house. Nobody was home so I rang our other neighbors doorbell. That neighbor said she knew it wasn't anybody's in the neighborhood because the dog had been hanging around and they asked around and nobody knew anything. I have to say this made me SO ANGRY. So, let me get this straight: you just LEAVE the poor thing to fend for itself? People are such IDIOTS!!!! I guess some people just don't care. They can't be bothered to make sure an animal is safe. How about a little food and water? Nope.
Anyway, I put the poor, scared thing in my backyard, give her some food and water and start calling. I call the local vets, the local boxer rescue group and the dog pound. Then I put an ad on craigslist. The first few calls I got were from people wanting a boxer in case the real owner didn't claim her. Finally this afternoon, I get a text from the real owner. He identified her right down to the leash that is attached to her collar. He is coming to pick her up once he gets finished with work. I'll give him a little lecture about putting tags on her and let him know that next time he might not be so lucky as to have someone return her. Unbelievable.
So happy that both these stories have a happy ending.
Tomorrow, Doug and I are heading over to Guthrie to walk a 5K in memory of a man named Chris Cowden who was killed in a motorcycle accident last year. He was an animal lover and all the proceeds are going to
Free To Live, a no-kill animal shelter in Guthrie. I used to be a board member for Free To Live and it really is a nice place for animals. You can find Chris's story
Everyone, please, make sure your dogs and cats have tags. You may think they won't ever get out but it happens sometimes. Also, please spay and neuter your pet. It is simply irresponsible not to do so. Thank you.