On Saturday we took the ride over to Oklahoma City to attend the Glitter Market. I've missed attending the last few times and I wasn't going to miss it this time!
When I arrived there was already a line but I took my spot and waited anxiously. Here is some of what I purchased.
Jackie's *amazing* booth I got a cookbook, a journal, and a christmas ornament.

She had so many amazing things in her booth and I wanted to purchase so much more but with Christmas right around the corner I had to be a little careful. Yeah, I could have purchased Christmas presents but honestly, I can't give any of these treasures away. ;)
Jemellia made this cute zipper pouch. She has such a talent with her sewing abilities.

This sweet little doll is made by
Robin Thomas. She is a Christmas Tree topper but I'm pretty sure I'll keep her out all year long.

I also bought ledger paper and a cute pair of earrings that I didn't get a picture of.
My big splurge was at Charlotte Perez's booth. Don't you love the cross necklace? Her stuff is so beautiful! The leather bracelet fits perfectly and I love it.

Also, not shown is a cute ornament kit I purchased from
Holly Abston, and a garden bracelet from
Heather Ales. My friend
Ann-Denise Anderson as well as a few other ladies had tables full of goodies. I wanted to purchase something from every single one, it just wasn't in the cards this time. I'm going to start saving just in case they have another Glitter Market in the spring.
If you live anywhere within the driving distance of Oklahoma City you won't want to miss the next one!