Friday, May 14, 2010

Mary Engelbreit's Studio

The entire weekend was so much fun but I'd have to say that I was so very excited to get to tour Mary's Studio. What an incredibly generous gesture to allow all of us to go through, take pictures and oooh and aaaah over all her stuff. The entire studio with the exception of one area was available to us to take pictures and I can assure you the cameras were going crazy! We were not allowed to take pictures in the area where Mary is working on a new book. We were allowed to look at the work in progress but no pictures. Okay with me!
Here is part of our wonderful tour:
The flag in the foyer:

This is Ann Estelle outside the studio entrance, waiting to let our group in. Isn't this fun? I'd love to come to work here everyday. Even the water fountain has a cute little skirt.

This is the desk in the foyer. The bookshelves have all kinds of Mary Engelbreit merchandise on them. Just amazing and what a happy place!

A little seating area in the foyer. So cute!

This is the board room. Not stuffy like all the board rooms I've seen. The walls were covered in Mary's magazine illustrations.

This shot was taken looking into Mary's office. How I would love to get my hands on all those beautiful markers and colored pencils. Plus, if I was lacking inspiration (although I don't know how that would ever happen in such an inspirational place!) I could just sit and flip through some of her books and get some ideas...

This is a shot of her desk and inspiration boards.

Can anyone say supplies?!?

Anyway, I must have taken *at least* 100 pictures although they didn't all come out that great. It was kind of hard to photograph around our large group of people, plus there was SO MUCH to take in. As I look at my pictures now I see all kinds of things that didn't register the first time I looked. It is also interesting to look at the pictures that the other ladies took to see what caught their eye.
What an awesome, awe inspiring time I had in St. Louis.
Thank you so much to Mary Engelbreit and to all the ladies who helped make the conference what it was. I so hope they do it again next year because you can bet I will be one of the first ones to register!

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